Profiles of ACE Staff

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  • Happiness O. Oselebe
    Profile of Happiness Ogba Oselebe PhD

    Happiness Ogba Oselebe
    Department of Crop Production & Landscape Management,
    Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki - Nigeria

    Happiness Ogba Oselebe is a Nigerian citizen, Geneticist and Plant Breeder. She is a professor of Genetics and Plant Breeding,in the Department of Crop Production & Landscape Management, Faculty of Agriculture & Natural Resources Management, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki.

    Happiness Oselebe graduated from University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 1993 for her B.Sc degree with First Class honors. She received her M.Sc. degree in 1998 and Ph.D. degree in 2003 from University of Nigeria, Nsukka also with honors. Her PhD thesis was adjudged the best for the session, hence she received the Faculty Postgraduate prize as well as Vice-Chancellor’s Postgraduate prize as the best graduating doctoral (PhD) student in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka for 2003/2004 session. She worked briefly as a teacher and administrator with the State Education Management Board from 1988 – May1998, before joining the employ of Ebonyi State University in June 1998.

    Happiness currently teaches and supervises B.Sc, M.Sc and PhD students. Her research interest is in the development of improved crop varieties that are economically efficient and sustainable, both in quality and yield, especially under limiting environments. She is exploring the development of drought tolerant rice varieties for water stressed environments; the generation of rice hybrids with resistance/tolerance to African Rice Gall Midge, as well as improving identified farmers’ landrace genotype prior to release as new variety. She also focuses on the sustainable use of neglected and underutilized species (NUS), also known as orphan crops such as fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants. She specifically explores the improvement and generation of new varieties of the orphan crops to enhance food security and income in African communities.

    Happiness Oselebe attracted several research grants to her university. In 2010, she attracted a special TETFund grant worth fifty million naira only, used in equipping the laboratory of the Biotechnology Research & Development Centre of Ebonyi State University with state of the art facilities. She is collaborating with International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) on a funded breeding project for increased yam productivity and quality in West Africa’.From 2016 to 2020 she is co-coordinator of the European Union funded program on ‘’Enhancing training and research mobility for novel crops breeding in Africa’’ referred to as ‘’MoBreed’’. From 2017 to 2021 she is also the African Coordinator of another European Union project on ‘’Mobility for plant genomics scholars to accelerate climate-smart adaptation options and food security in Africa’’ referred to as ‘’GENES’’. Thesetwo grants from the Intra-Africa Mobility Scheme of the European Union helpstrain young Nigerians and Africans to become high profile Plant Breeders and Genomic Scholars working on African orphan crops and food security crops at the Masters and PhD level. She is a gender grantee of the Association of Commonwealth Universities in 2017.

    Happiness is a 2009 Fellow of Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program for Women in Science; a 2010 AWARD (African Women in Agricultural Research & Development) Fellow; and a Fellow of the UC Davis African Plant Breeding Academy, 2015. She pioneered the incorporation of an agribusiness outfit engaged in seed production (EBSU Agribusiness Enterprises Limited) for her university. She has a passion for working with smallholder farmers, building their capacities and enhancing their production and income level and in effect their livelihood.

    Happiness has published more than 50 scientific publications in peer-reviewed national and international journals.She is happily married with children and her hobbies include sports, reading novels and travelling.

  • Ikegwu O. John
    Profile of Dr. Ikegwu Onyekachi John

    Dr. Ikegwu Onyekachi John, PhD
    Department of Food Science and Technology,
    Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki - Nigeria

    E-mail: /
    Mobile Number: +234 803 5489 868

    IKEGWU, Onyekachi John is a Senior Lecturer of Food Engineering in the Faculty of Agriculture, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State. He holds a Ph.D from the Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki (2012). He is a registered member of Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology. His current research is on the Engineering Properties of Agricultural Produce. He is currently supervising two M.Sc candidates and has successfully supervised twenty B.Sc students.

  • Azi, Fidelis
    Profile of Azi, Fidelis

    Full Name: Azi, Fidelis
    Country of Origin: Nigeria
    Email: /
    Mobile Number: +234 806 7872 449


    Food Microbiology, Food Safety, Fermentation Engineering, Food Biotechnology, Food and Environmental Waste Management. For further information on research interest and publications, visit:
    O RCI D

    Research gate

  • Celestine A. Afiukwa
    Profile of Celestine A. Afiukwa, PhD

    Dr. Celestine A. Afiukwa
    Department of Biotechnology
    Email: or
    Mobile Number: +234 703 9220 960

    Dr. Celestine A. Afiukwa is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biotechnology of Ebonyi State University. He holds a B.Sc. in Applied Biochemistry, M.Sc. in Biotechnology and a PhD in Biotechnology specializing in Agricultural Biotechnology. He is a Commonwealth Academic Fellow (Kingston University, London) and a Visiting Fellow of Climate Impact Research Capacity & leadership Enhancement (CIRCLE) of the Association of Commonwealth Universities. He was the Director of Biotechnology Research & Development Centre and currently the Head of Department of Biotechnology of Ebonyi State University. He won the Generation Challenge Programme’s research travel grant to the Forestory and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) of University of Pretoria in South Africa for Hands-on-training in molecular biology in 2018 and the Nigeria’s Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) sponsorship for PhD bench work in the same FABI in 2010. His specific research focus is application of molecular biology tools in crop characterization and improvement.

  • YONGABI, Kenneth Anchang
    Profile of Prof .YONGABI, Kenneth Anchang

    Adjunct Professor, Biotechnology
    Ebonyi State University,
    Abakaliki- Nigeria

    Kenneth Anchang, YONGABI, is an Adjunct Professor of Biotechnology in the Department of Biotechnology Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. He is currently the Director and founder of Phytobiotechnology Research Foundation Institute, Cameroon for close to 11 years, which has a strategic educational, research and development partnership with Ebonyi State University. Professor Yongabi obtained his B.Sc Tech. and M.Sc in Medical/Clinical Microbiology at AbubakarTafawaBalewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria in 1999. A Ph.D holder in Public Health and Tropical Infectiology, Honululu, USA and PhD in Biological and Public Health Engineering from the school of Chemical Engineering, University of Adelaide, Australia under the Australian International Post Graduate Scholarship award. In 2002, he was awarded an Australian Crawford fellowship award and he studied Integrated Biosystems and anaerobic digester biotechnology for 3 months.

    In 2008, Yongabi was admitted as a practicing Naturopathic medicine doctor and member of the American Naturopathic Medical Association with license to practice Alternative and Complementary Medicine. In 2013, he was appointed honorary fellow at the University of Wisconsin- Madison, for 3 months, in the department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, school of Medicine and Public Health where he worked on Toxoplasma and plasmodium mouse models. He has more than 100 publications which include 95 refereed peer review journal articles, 2 books and 6 book chapters in Springer and in the UNESCO Encyclopedia of Life Support systems (EOLSS) describing his pioneering work and Founder of Phytobiotechnology.

    More than 80 conference papers, several monographs, and Technical papers from DFID/ Royal Society and African Union Projects grants. His expertise is Biopharmaceuticals to which he is a co-CEO of STK Biotech company with six products developed (, Medical Biotechnology, Medicinal plant biotechnology, Public Health to which he serves as a WHO member for Community of Practice (CoP) on health Literacy application on the prevention of Communicable Diseases in collaboration with Deaken university, Australia, Infectiology and Clinical microbiology. Professor Yongabi has delivered key note and invited public lectures at various Universities in Uganda, South Africa, India, Peru, USA, Italy, Germany, France, Belgium, Cameroon, and Nigeria and also at various international gatherings such as WHO forums. Professor Yongabi has supervised a number of doctoral, masters and undergraduate research theses and has served as external examiner for doctoral and masters theses in South Africa and Australia.

    Prof. Yongabi is a local organizing committee member for these International conferences:
    World Microbiology Conferences | Virology Conference 2019,
    International Conference on Oncology and Cancer Treatment, and
    Organizing Committee Members | Conferences | Science and

  • Idenyi, John N.
    Profile of Idenyi, John N.

    Idenyi, John N
    Ebonyi State University,
    Abakaliki, Nigeria

    Idenyi, John N. is a lecturer in Biotechnology Department, Ebonyi State University Abakaliki. He has BSc and MSc in Biochemistry and currently at the verge of his PhD defense in Industrial Biotechnology. MrIdenyi’s research interest is on Microalgal Biotechnology with special focus on Algal biodiesel.He was a visiting research scholar at West Virginia State University (USA) under the sponsorship of NEEDS ASSESSEMENT for his PhD bench work. He attended and made scientific presentation at the 8th international conference on Alga Biomass, Biofuel and Bioproduct, Seattle, USA(2018). He is a member of Biotechnology Society of Nigeria with many scientific publications in different journals. He was a Senior Welfare Officer to the former Governor, Ebonyi State (2011-2015).

  • Mr. Kenneth I. Ogbu
    Profile of Mr. Kenneth I. Ogbu

    Mr. Kenneth I. Ogbu
    Department of Biotechnology,
    Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki - Nigeria
    Email: /

    Mr. Kenneth I. Ogbu is a Lecturer II in the Department of Biotechnology of Ebonyi State University. He holds a B.Sc. and M. Sc. in Applied Microbiology and in the last year of his PhD study in the same field specializing in mycology. He is a researcher at EBSU Biotechnology Research and Development Centre, trained in molecular techniques at the Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Oyo State in Nigeria and has worked as a Laboratory Technologist in EBSU Biotechnology Research and Development Centre for ten (10) years.

  • Eluu, S. Chijioke
    Profile of Mr. Eluu, Stanley Chijioke

    Eluu, Stanley Chijioke
    Department of Biotechnology,
    Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki - Nigeria

    Eluu, Stanley Chijioke is an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Biotechnology. He obtained BSc in Biotechnology from Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki in 2009 and MSc in Pharmaceutical Microbiology and Biotechnology from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka (2014). He is an adept researcher with over 25 publications and also proficient in the use of Microsoft Excel, SPSS and Origin for statistical analysis. In 2012, he received CSIR sponsorship to attend 1st Pan Africa Summer School in Nanomedicine in Pretoria, South Africa. He was a Visiting Research Scholar in Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts, USA (2017-2018) where he carried out research on anticancer drug delivery. He also worked as a collaborator in University of Massachusetts Medical School, MA, USA where he did in vivo studies and Magnetic Resonance Imagine. His core focus is on the synthesis, characterization and Application of cutting edge nanoconstruct for cancer and infectious diseases.

  • Augustine O. Oko
    Profile of Dr. Augustine Okpani Oko

    Augustine Okpani Oko
    Department of Biotechnology,
    Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki - Nigeria
    Email: /
    Mobile Number: +234 803 2613 614

    Dr. Augustine Okpani Oko is a senior lecturer in the Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria. He holds a Doctorate Degree in Biotechnology, specialising in Food Biotechnology. He is a fellow of the Postdoctoral fellowship of the Department of Biotechnology, Indian Ministry of Science and Technology and the World Academy of Science (DBT/TWAS) at the National Rice Research Institute (NRRI) Cuttack, Orisha India from 2015 to 2016. He was the Head of the Department of Biotechnology, Ebonyi State University till March 2018. He has been involved in many biotechnology researches both within and outside Africca with many International collaborations. Dr. Augustine Okpani Oko is the author of the book “Biotechnology: A Comprehensive Approach” a twenty–four charptered biotechnology textbook which provides a starting point for readers who wish to gain both basic and advanced knowledge in various areas of Biotechnology and its applications for further professional practice. His area of special research intrest is in healthy foods and food bioforification.

  • Chima Njoku
    Profile of Chima Njoku PhD

    Dr. Njoku Chima (PhD, EBSU; M.Sc. Coventry UK; B. Agric., FUTO)
    Department of Soil Science and Environmental Management,
    Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources Management,
    Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki - Nigeria
    Phone: +234(0)8032261958

    Dr. Chima Njoku is a Senior lecturer in the Department of Soil Science and Environmental Management. He is an expert in Environmental Management, Soil Conservation and Erosion Control. He had his B. Agric. (Soil Science) at Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria in 2000; MSc. Environmental Management at Coventry University, United Kingdom in 2005 and PhD in Soil Conservation and Erosion Control at Ebonyi State University in 2012. Dr. Chima Njoku was employed in Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki as Assistant Lecturer in 2005 and has authored over 70 peer reviewed articles in both international and local journals. Dr. Chima Njoku is a member of many professional societies such as Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN), Soil Science Society of Nigeria (SSSN), International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) and International Society for Development and Sustainability (ISDS).

    He has supervised many undergraduate and postgraduate researches and has served as an external examiner in Environmental Biology option in the Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu. He has also, served as a resource person and consultant in Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management (NEWMAP), Fadama Additional Financing and Ebonyi State Local Government Service Commission. Dr. Chima Njoku has served in many committee of Ebonyi State University and is at present the Head, Department of Soil Science and Environmental Management.

  • Michael O. Odo
    Profile of Michael Obo Odo PhD

    Dr Michael Obo Odo
    Department of Food Science and Technology,
    Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki - Nigeria
    Email: /
    Mobile Number: +234 803 8689 231

    Dr. Michael Obo Odo is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Food Science and Technology, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. He began his educational career in Central School, Ngbo in 1973 and later proceeded to Effium High School, Effium for his secondary education between 1980 and 1985. He gained admission into Institute of Management & Technology (IMT), Enugu where he obtained HND in Applied Chemistry in 1991. He obtained a Post Graduate Diploma and Master Degrees in Food Science & Technology from Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT), Enugu in 1995 and 1999 respectively, and later he proceeded to Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki where he obtained a Ph.D in Food Chemistry/Biochemistry. His area of specialization is Food Chemistry and Biochemistry. He has published scholarly articles in reputable national and international journals and have attended conferences and presented scholarly papers. Dr Michael Odo is married with four children.

  • Folusho M. David-Araham
    Profile of Prof. Mrs. Folusho Morenike David-Araham

    Folusho Morenike David-Araham
    Faculty of Agriculture,
    Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki - Nigeria
    Email: /
    Mobile Number: +234 803 5495 256

    David-Abraham ( Ugwu) Folusho Morenike is a Professor Food Processing and Nutrition of Faculty of Agriculture Ebonyi State University Abakaliki. She holds a PhD in Food Science and Technology from Enugu State University of Science and Technology Enugu (2008).She was Dean of Agriculture from (2013-2018) and Chairman of Association of Deans of Agriculture in Nigerian University (2015-2018). She is a member of Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology. Her current area of Research is on formulation of foods from orphan crops .She is currently supervising three (3) PhD students

  • Omogo E. Ogah
    Profile of Omogo E. Ogah, PhD

    Dr. Omogo E. Ogah
    Department of Crop Production & Landscape Management,
    Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki - Nigeria
    Email: /
    Mobile Number: +234 (0) 803016284

    Dr. Omogo E. Ogah is a Senior Lecturer of Agricultural Entomology in the Department of Crop Production and Landscape Management, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Nigeria. He holds Ph.D. from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria (2011). He was a two-time Head of the Dept and has served the University in many other capacities. He is an International Fellow of the Rothamsted Research UK. He is a member of many professional societies including Royal Entomological Society (RES), UK. He has for the past few decades, been deeply involved in pest management and has collaborated with many international organisations like Africa Rice Center, IITA Ibadan and Rothamsted Research UK. His current research interests are in the area of biological control of pests; theory and application, tritrophic interaction of plants-insects-natural enemies, insect ecology and application of chemical ecology in insect behaviours and management. Others are natural resources management and conservation, sustainability and integrated pest management.

    Dr. Ogah was an award winner from Bio-Protection Science for New Zealand in 2009 and Rothamsted Research UK in 2015. He has received specialized training on different aspects of insect pest management including Insect Bio-Industry, Yecheon County, Korea (2012) among others. He has been a resource person and consultant to many organisations. He has travelled to many countries of the world. He has successfully supervised many Postgraduate Students.

  • Paul O. Igboji
    Profile of Paul Ola Igboji PhD

    Paul Ola Igboji
    Department of Soil Science and Environmental Management,
    Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources Management
    Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki - Nigeria
    Email: /
    Mobile Number: +234(0)906 1277 585

    Dr Paul Ola Igboji was born on 24th September 1963 to the family of Mr Godwin Ola Igboji and Mrs Cordelia Nwakpu Ola Igboji (nee Nwede) of Igbeagu, Izzi, Abakaliki. Married to Mrs Angela Amaogechukwu Igboji (Nee Angela Amaogechukwu Nwokporo). Father to Eugene Ogonna Igboji, Reginald Chiedozie Igboji (late), Eusebius Buniechukwuelu Igboji and three adopted daughters -Jennifer Chitokarimmanuanwu Igboji (also known and addressed as Obiora Esther Amuche); MaryJanet Chibukpakpandoututu Igboji (also known and addressed as Ezema Ngozika Rita), Nnenna Nwankwo Okey and Juliet Onyinye Okey. Other adopted sons are Emmanuel Okey; Samuel Okey, Augustine N Onwe and Kenneth Ani. Obtained PhD in Environmental Sciences at University of Essex, UK in 2006, Offered Honorary Professor of Science by Cambridge International Biographical Centre in 2015; Awarded Honorary Doctor of Science by Cambridge International Biographical Center in 2015. Over sixty work on scopus, scimago, pubmed and google scholar peer reviewed and indexed journals; several work done on paper (over fourty books, book chapters and monographs via Amazon) and Lambert Academic Publishers, several academic and community documentary tapes on sustainable agriculture and rural development with World Bank, UNDP, FADAMA and NEWMAP Projects; over 4 thesis/dissertations, several conference and workshop papers. PhD thesis in 2 publications in English and held in 2 libraries worldwide. Listed in the following International Literatures: Whos Who in The World, 25th Edition; Whos Who in Science and Engineering, 7th Edition; Dictionary of International Biography, 34th Edition and Cambridge Blue Book, 2nd Edition. Link: Ambassador of England, World Forum Federation from 2009 – 2012 and Ambassador of Nigeria, World Forum Federation from 2013 – date. Selected by American Biographical Institute, Inc. as 2009 Man of the Year Nigeria in 2009 and Gold Medal for Nigeria in 2010. Nominated by United Cultural Convention for International Peace Prize in 2009. Appointed Secretary, Think Tank on Agriculture, Enugu State, Nigeria on 21.1.96 – 1.10.96 and Corp Liaison Officer, Arochukwu Local Government, Nigeria from March 1989 – March 1999.Member, Society for General Microbiology, American Society of Soil Science, American Society of Agronomy, American Society of Crop Science, Soil Science Society of Nigeria (2002 till date). Associate Editor, Lawarence Press, New Delhi, India. Regional editor (IDOSI Publishers) – 2015 till date. Has supervised over 20 undergraduate research projects and currently handling five graduate and four undergraduate research projects at Department of Soil Science and Environmental Management, Ebonyi State University, P M B 053 Abakaliki, Nigeria. Current research interests include: Environmental Modeling, Environmental Monitoring, and Environmental Education particularly in the areas of soil, water and air health via sustainable restoration and reclamation. Others include interdisciplinary research in the areas of environmental law, economics, politics, governance, biotechnology and molecular microbiology. Likewise waste and global energy resource management and statistical approaches to effective and efficient environmental research; molecular methods in ecology, environmental molecular microbiology, protein technology, plants, genes and agriculture, environmental technology, research methods, marine environment, global energy resources, global climatic change, biotechnology and genetic modification, ecology, sociological approaches to science and technology, ground based remote sensing of weather, conservation, water pollution biology, plant and soil response to elevated CO2, wastes and pollution in pre-industrial society, bio treatable wastes, gene technology, capitalism, industrialism and modernity, econometrics, process technology, air pollution.

  • Simon Uguru Nwibo
    Profile of Simon Uguru Nwibo, PhD

    Associate Professor Simon Uguru Nwibo
    Department of Agricultural Economics, Management and Extension,
    Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki - Nigeria
    Email: /
    Mobile Number: +234(0)906 1277 585

    Associate Professor Simon Uguru Nwibo is an Associate Professor of Agribusiness and Agricultural Marketing and the current Head of Department, Agricultural Economics, Management and Extension, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. He had his education career in the following institutions: Okwunyiri-onu Community School, Okpuitumo (FSLC, 1984); Izzi High School, Ishieke (SSCE, 1990), Enugu State University of Science and Technology (B.Agric, 1998); University of Plymouth, United Kingdom (M.Sc Agribusiness, 2003); Ebonyi State University (Ph.D Agricultural Economics, 2014). Associate Professor Simon Uguru Nwibo has many publications to his credit, having published over sixty articles in both local and international journals. In the same vein, he has co-authored four books that are in use in Nigeria Universities. He is a specialist icon in the following areas: Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness, Agricultural Marketing and Finance, and Agricultural Entrepreneurship. He belongs to the following professional organisations: Nigerian Associate Agricultural Economists (NAAE), Farm Management Association of Nigeria, Agricultural Society of Nigeria, and European Centre for Research Training and Development UK.

  • Utobo E. Benjamin
    Profile of Utobo Emeka Benjamin , PhD

    Dr. Utobo Emeka Benjamin
    Department of Crop Production and Landscape Management,
    Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki - Nigeria
    Email: /
    Mobile Number: +234 (0) 803 5434 435

    Dr Utobo Emeka Benjamin holds a PhD in Environmental Science (Major) and Plant Pathology (Minor) from GB Pant University of Science and Technology India (2015). He is currently a Senior Lecturer in Department of Crop Production and Landscape Management and servicing Environmental Management option of Department of Soil Science and Environmental Management in Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. He is currently the Head of Department of Crop Production and Landscape Management and has served the University in many other capacities. His teaching and research experience span over fourteen years.

    He is a member of professional societies such as Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy (India), Indian Ecological Society, Association of Agrometeorologists (India), Society for Advancement of Science and Rural Development (India), Agricultural Society of Nigeria, Organic Agriculture Society of Nigeria, Crop Science Society of Nigeria and International Soil Tillage Research Organization (ISTRO), Nigeria Branch.

    He has for the past few decades, been deeply involved in the use of eco-friendly techniques for sustainable soil improvement and crop production, use of organic waste for sustainable soil and crop production, ecological farming practices as climate resilient management technique. His current research interests are in the area of climate change scenarios on some functional properties of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiont such as biofertility, biocontrol, glomalin production and soil carbon and nitrogen sequestration, biochar use for climate change mitigations, soil improvement and plant disease management, use of geospatial technologies for early warning tracking for site-specific crop management (analysis of soil nutrients, crop growth and yield and agricultural plant pests and diseases), and assessing environmental sensitive area prone to land degradation for natural resource management using geospatial technology. Others are natural resources management, conservation and sustainability of agroecosystem.

    Dr Utobo, E.B. was an award winner from National Symposium on ECM Technology for Self, Secure and Profitable Food Production, GBPUAT, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, India. 10-11 October 2014.

    He has received specialized training such as Green Technologies for Combating Climate Change and Sustainable Development, 21 – 25 August 2012; Simulation Modeling for Plant Disease Epidemiology, 20 – 22 October 2014. Equally has obtained a certificate course on Basics of Remote Sensing, Geographic Information System and Global Navigation Satellite System. 5th August 2013 - 4th November 2013. ISRO, India.

    He has been a resource person and consultant to many organizations, including IFAD. He has travelled to many countries of the world. He has successfully supervised many undergraduate and postgraduate students.

  • Okogeri Otu
    Profile of Okogeri Otu, PhD

    Okogeri Otu
    Department of Food Science and Technology,
    Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki - Nigeria
    Email: /
    Mobile Number: +234(0)703 7228 100

    OKOGERI, Otu is a Senior Lecturer of Fats and Oils Chemistry and Technology, in the Faculty of Agriculture, Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki. He holds a Ph.D. in Food Chemistry from the University of Ioannina, Greece (2002). He is the current Head of the Department, Food Science and Technology. His research interests include Oilseed handling and processing from the perspective of nutrition and toxicology; Revitalization of Ebonyi State oil palm sector; New sources of natural antioxidants; and all aspects of fats and oils research. He currently supervises one Ph.D and four MSc.

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