African Universities Advised to Adopt EBSU’S Model of Research and Spinoffs

The fifth bi-annual African Regional Conference of Vice Chancellors and Deans of Science, Engineering and Technology (COVIDSET2013) took place on 6th and 7th November, 2013 at Gaborone International Convention Centre Gaborone • Botswana 6 -7 November 2013. It was organised by the African Network of Scientific and Technological Institutions (ANSTI), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) project in partnership with German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the University of Botswana. The Conference is affirming UNESCO/ANSTI’s commitment to make the forum for Africa’s leaders responsible for university training, research and innovation and policy makers an important platform for exchange, debate of ideas, capacity building and design of concrete actions to improve the impact of high-level training, research and innovation on Africa’s sustainable development and socio-economic transformation.

For more information, Click here to download ------ COVIDSET2013