Department of Biotechnology


Biotechnology is the exploitation of living organisms (plants, animals, microorganism and substances derived from them), processes and systems in solving the world Food, Energy, Health and Environmental problems. Although Biotechnology is an interdisciplinary field, most of the people currently engaged in Biotechnology Research and Development are either agriculturist, biologists, biochemists or microbiologists, resulting in a one-sided approach to most of the problems and issues involving Biotechnology. There is thus a need to train biotechnologist with broad-based knowledge who can appreciate and apply multi-designed programme leading to an award of a Bachelors degree in biotechnology. The programme is thoroughly grounded in course work, seminars and research projects that will expose the students to the length and breadth of Biotechnology. The broad-based nature of the training is designed to make the students aware of the increasing relevance of Biotechnology to the production of foods and services for the benefit of mankind. The programme is designed to expose the students during the first year of their study to a broad knowledge of basic and applied Sciences (Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry and computer Sciences, Biochemistry and Microbiology).

During their second year, students are exposed to the fundamentals of Biotechnology through course and practical works in cell culture techniques, basic genetics, Biochemistry and Chemistry. In their third years, molecular biology / genetic engineering, biochemical engineering and analytical techniques are discussed as fundamental of Biotechnology. The techniques of genetic engineering are emphasized as means of developing strains of microorganism, crop and farm animals for increased productivity while biochemical engineering is treated as a means of designing bioreactors and optimizing both upstream and downstream bioprocess. The potentials and applications of biotechnology are then emphasized through courses in Industrial, Food and Agricultural, medical and Environmental biotechnology. Safety and ethical issues associated with Biotechnology research, products and services are also treated in various courses. Research project is a compulsory course for all the students in the final year. The project is a course whose objective is to enable students to learn by practice, the methods and skills of biotechnology and these can be used to carry out independent investigation or research into any specific problem in Science and technology.


The B.Sc. Biotechnology programme of Ebonyi State University was established in 2004 to help meet the Nation’s biotechnology manpower needs for the Nation’s health care delivery, economic development, food security, job/wealth creation, sustainable environmental management, etc. Biotechnology is an interdisciplinary field, but most of the people engaged in Biotechnology Research and Development in Nigeria as at the time the programme was conceived were from the fields of Biology, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Agriculture or genetics rather than core Biotechnology, resulting in one-sided approach to most of the problems and issues involving Biotechnology. There was, thus, a need to train scientists with broad-based biotechnology knowledge who can appreciate and apply multi-disciplinary approach in solving problems related to biotechnology. This was the motivating force that led to the emergence of biotechnology programme in Ebonyi State University.

The programme was initially based in the defunct Department of Biochemistry/Biotechnology in the then Faculty of Applied and Natural Sciences with initial student population of twenty-three (23) and pioneered by the former and the current National Presidents of the Biotechnology Society of Nigeria, Prof. J. C. Ogbonna and Prof. B. E. Ubi, respectively, on their return from Japan. Other pioneer lecturers of the programme include Dr. F. N. Nwalo, Dr. (Mrs) C. N. Ogbonna, Dr. C. A. Afiukwa (the current HOD), Dr. A. O. Oko and a few others drawn from cognate Departments including Biochemistry, Microbiology, Crop Science, Animal Science and Computer Science.

The B.Sc. Biotechnology programme was approved by NUC after auditing in 2007 and was first accredited in 2008 under the defunct Department of Biochemistry/Biotechnology. In 2009, the programme demerged from the Department of Biochemistry/Biotechnology and became a full-fledged Department of Biotechnology. The Curriculum of the programme was designed for four years leading to the award of Bachelor of Sciences Degree in Biotechnology.

Since then, the programme has made significant progress in contributing to promoting Biotechnology in Nigeria and beyond. At least 70% of the academic staff of the programmehave travelled for postgraduate study, postdoctoral fellowship or sabbatical leave in advanced laboratories abroad and have all returned to add value to the programme. Our students have consistently won first prizes at the national quiz and debate competitions of the Biotechnology Students Society of Nigeria (BSN).One of our trained graduates (Mr. NwobaTheophilus Sunday) has won the Vice Chancellor’s award of best graduating M.Sc. student in the School of Biosciences in Salford University in the UK in 2015. One other graduate, Dr. Igwe David Okechukwu, was a prominent molecular biology staff of IITA Ibadan and is now a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Biological Sciences, Towson University, New York, USA. Yet another graduate of this programme (Dr. EmekaNwoba) is currently on full scholarship by Murdoch University in Western Australia for a second PhD, a scholarship he earned due to outstanding performance during his one-year bench work for his first PhD at the same university. At least three(3) of our graduates who benefitted from the academic exchange programme of Ebonyi State University and Hokkaido University in Japan during their undergraduate study performed excellently well and earned Japanese Scholarships for master’s and doctoral studies. The programme has had anMoU with the Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) of the University of Pretoria in South Africa which helped two (2) of our academic staff members to do their PhD bench work in the FABI laboratories in South Africa. Currently, we have research and academic exchange collaboration with the Phytobiotechnology Research Foundation (PRF) of the Catholic University of Cameroun. Also, the EBSU Biotechnology programme is currently participating in the Intra-African Academic Mobility of Genomic Scholars (GENES), which is a European Union funded postgraduate scholarship program and will be receiving postgraduate scholars from other African countries for training under this platform (

PHILOSOPHY OF THE BIOTECHNOLOGY PROGRAMME Biotechnology is a multi-disciplinary course involving the integrated use of several disciplines including biology, biochemistry, microbiology, computer science and engineering to achieve technological applications of living organisms (e.g. plants, animals, micro-organisms and cultured tissues/cells). In recent times, a characteristic feature of the development of science and technology has been the increasing resort to multidisciplinary strategies for solving problems. This has led to the emergence of new interdisciplinary areas of study with eventual crystallization of new disciplines with identifiable characteristics, concepts and methodologies. Many aspects of Biotechnology as practiced in different parts of the world today arose through interaction between various disciplines.

Applications of Biotechnology have been tremendously helpful in food and agriculture, medicine and healthcare delivery, development of pharmaceuticals and therapeutic agents and in forensic science. Biotechnology has also been found helpful in environmental management and sustainability (material recycling, waste management; bioremediation, soil amendment, and site amelioration) and production of biofuels (renewable energy).

These applications are indicative of the potential of Biotechnology to exert positive impact on the growth and development of any developing nation in many ramifications. Biotechnology within the Nigerian Educational system will not only facilitate growth and development, but will position Nigeria strategically to benefit in areas like food security, renewable resources management, sustainability of natural resources, poverty reduction, wealth creation, land reclamation, improved healthcare delivery, materials cycling/recycling and efficient waste management. Besides, there is a great demand for Biotechnologists in the evolving areas of science such as bio-control, bio-environment and other related professions.

In keeping with the fundamental philosophy of the University, the Biotechnology programme is designed to encourage and promote the training of students in all aspects of Biotechnology. To meet the Nation’s manpower needs for Biotechnologists, there is a need to get the maximum capacity out of every student’s potentials. Thus, efforts are always made to develop each student’s abilities and skills. The Biotechnology Programme desires to train mission-oriented biotechnology experts who will become competent professionals upon graduation and able to relate their studies to practical real-life situations by promoting biotechnological activities that positively respond to national aspirations and food security, job/wealth creation, affordable healthcare delivery and sustainable environment. This can be achieved by motivating the students, and having regular seminars and discussions and still maintain the optimal balance between academic excellence, morality and professionalism.

The main objective of the Biotechnology Programme is to broadly train students in knowledge and practical skills for positions in the modern Biotechnology industry, self-employment and prepare them for graduate and professional studies in the life sciences.
The specific objectives are:

  1. To train Biotechnologists with broad knowledge who are capable of appreciating and using interdisciplinary approaches to the use of biological agents and system for the benefit of mankind.
  2. To train graduates who can become self-employed in the various areas of Biotechnology.
  3. To provide a solid basis for excellent research in specific areas of Biotechnology at higher degree level.
  4. To stimulate interest in caring for the global environment.
  5. To provide appropriate service courses for other departments that require working knowledge of Biotechnology.

Students are being trained in order to equip them for job openings in Scienceand Technology-based entrepreneurial outfits, as well as to be self-employed inthe following sectors of our economy: Food Processing Industries, Fermentation Industries, Pharmaceutical Industries, Cosmetics Industries, Wineand Beverage Industries, Soft drink Factories, Seed Companies,Vegetable Oil Industries, Livestock Production Industries, Oil Refining andProcessing Industries, Institutions of Higher Learning and Research Institutes,Diagnostic and Clinical Laboratories, and Quality Control Units ofManufacturing Industries.

To qualify for admission into the Biotechnology Programme, candidates shall have credit-level passes in at least 5 subjects at not more than two sittings, including English language, mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, and Physics at SSCE/NECO examinations or its equivalent. Admission is based on an acceptable pass at either UME examination or the pre-degree programme of the University. A candidate with three good passes in Chemistry, Biology, and Mathematics/Physics at A-levels shall be admitted into a 3-year direct entry programme.


S/No. Course Code Course Title Credits
  Ancillary Courses  
1BIO 101 General Biology I3
2BIO 191General Biology I (Practical)1
3ICH 101General Chemistry I (Inorganic)2
4ICH 191General Chemistry (Practical I) 1
5PHY 101General Physics I2
6PHY 191General Physics (Practical I)1
7MAT 101Algebra and Matrices3
8CSC 101Introductory Computer Sciences 2
  General Courses 
9GST 101Use of English I2
10GST 102Philosophy and Logic2
11GST 103Nigerian people and culture2
  Total 21

S/N Course Code Course Title Credits
  Ancillary Courses 
1BCH 102Introductory Biochemistry 2
2BIO 102 General Biology II3
3BIO 192General Biology II (Practical 11)1
4ICH 102General Chemistry 11 (Organic)2
5ICH 192General Chemistry II (Practical II)1
6PHY 102General Physics II2
7PHY 192General Physics II (Practical II)1
8MAT 102Calculus and Trigonometry 3
9AMB 102Introductory Microbiology 2
  General courses 
10GST 106Social Sciences 2
11GST 107Use of English 12
12GST 121Use of Library, study skills & ICT2
  Total 23

S/N Course Code Course Title Credit
  Core Courses  
1BTE 205 Introductory Biotechnology3
2BTE 291Practical in Biotechnology I1
  Ancillary Courses 
3BCH 201General Biochemistry I3
4ICH 221General Organic Chemistry I2
5ICH 241Analytical Chemistry I2
6STA 201Statistics for Applied Sciences3
7CSC 211Computer Programming I2
8AMB 211General Microbiology I3
  Total 19

S/No Course Code Course Title Credit
  Core Course  
1BTE 206General Biotechnology 3
2BTE 208 Biological Techniques2
3BTE 214 Fundamentals of cell cultivation2
  Ancillary Courses  
4BCH 202General Biochemistry II2
5BIO 252Introductory Genetics2
6STA 202Statistical Computational Techniques2
7CSC 212Computer Programming II2
8AMB 212General Microbiology II2
9ICH 222General Organic Chemistry II2
  General Course 
10GST 222Conflict Resolution2
  Total 21

1BTE 301Analytical Techniques in Biotechnology 3
2GST 302Entrepreneurship2
3BTE 311Carbohydrate and Protein/Amino Acid Metabolisms 2
4BTE 313Lipid and Nucleic Acid Metabolisms 2
5BTE 377Molecular genetics2
6BTE 321Food Biotechnology 3
7BTE 315Industrial Biotechnology I2
8BTE 353Enzyme Biotechnology I2
9BTE 391Practical in Biotechnology II1
  Electives (Select one) 
10BTE 375Cytogenetics2
11BTE 331Bioenergetics and Thermodynamics2
  Total 21

S/No Course Code Course Title Credit
   Course Courses  
1BTE 398Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme18

S/No Course Code Course Title Credit
   Course Courses  
1BTE 403Quality Control and Product Standardization 
2BTE 405Experimental Design and data processing in Biotechnology 2
3BTE 473Genetic Engineering2
4BTE 433Bio-entrepreneurship2
5BTE 451Environmental Biotechnology2
6BTE 463Biosafety2
7BTE 471Biochemical Engineering 2
8BTE 461 Bioinformatics 2
9BTE 483Seminars in Biotechnology 2
  Electives (To select one) 
10BTE 441Biopharmaceutical Technology2
11BCH 423Immunology and Immunochemistry 2
12AGC5 401Plant Breeding2
13BTE 475Human genetics2
  Total 20

S/No Course Code Course Title Credit
1BTE 404Bioethics 2
2BTE 472Metabolic Engineering 2
3BTE 424Biotechnology for Animal Production 2
4BTE 428Plant Biotechnology 2
5BTE 416Industrial Biotechnology II2
6BTE 442Medical Biotechnology 2
7BTE 452Enzyme Biotechnology II2
8BTE 498Research Project 6
9BTE 406Bio-resources Management2

Students who gained admissions through direct entry starts their programme at second year and must offer the following year one general courses;

S/NO Course Code Course Title Credits
12GST 102Philosophy and Logic2
 GST 103Nigerian people and culture2
  Total 04

S/NO Course Code Course Title Credits
1GST 106Social Sciences 2
2BCH 102Introductory Biochemistry 2
  Total 04


1Dr. C. A. AfiukwaPh.D (EBSU, 2011)Senior Lecturer&HOD(Full-Time)Food and Agricultural Biotechnology
2Prof. B. E. UbiPh.D. (Ibadan, 1998)Professor &Dean (Full-Time)Plant Breeding & Biotechnology, Crop genomics, Biosafety.
3Prof. K. A. YongabiPh.D. (Australia, 2009), Ph.D (D.Sc) (USA, 2012)Professor (Adjunct)Biotechnology&Bioengineering
4Dr. F. N. NwaloPh.D. (EBSU, 2011)Associate Professor (Adjunct)Food and Agricultural Biotechnology
5Dr. A. O. OkoPh.D. (EBSU, 2012)Senior Lecturer (Full-Time) Food Biotechnology; Industrial Biotechnology,
6Dr. (Mrs) A. N. OsuagwuPh. D. (UNICAL, 2002)Senior Lecturer (Adjunct)Genetics& Plant Biotechnology
7Dr. M. O. OdoPh.D (EBSU, 2015)Senior Lecturer (Full-Time) Food Chemistry & Biochemistry
8Dr. H. E. EttaPh.D (UNICAL, 2011)Senior Lecturer (Adjunct) Genetics & Plant Biotechnology
9Dr. S. C. OnuohaPh.D. (UNIZIK, 2011)Lecturer I (Full-TimeIndustrial & Environmental Biotechnology
10Dr. F. U. AliPh.D (EBSU, 2014)Lecturer I (Full-TimeMedical Biochemistry
11Dr. O. OgahPh.D (EBSU, 2017)Lecturer II (Full-TimePlant Biotechnology
12Mr. J. N. IdenyiM.Sc. (EBSU, 2012)Lecturer II (Full-TimeIndustrial Biotechnology; Algae Biotechnology
13Mr. S. C. EluuM.Sc. (UNIZIK, 2014)Assistant Lecturer (Full-TimeMedical& Pharmaceutical Biotechnology


1Mr. OkoEgwu EmmanuelTechnologist IIHND, 2005, NISLT, 2014
2Mrs.Ekuma, OdinachiOkohTechnologist IIB.Sc. Microbiology Technology, 2010; NISLT, 2014
3Mrs.Chukwu Felicia O.Technologist IB. Tech, 2005; NISLT, 2018
4Mr.Ogbu Kenneth I.Senior TechnologistB.Sc, 2005; M.Sc, 2011; Intensive 3 months hands-on-experience training in molecular biology techniques in IITA Ibadan


1Mrs. OnweAgustina O.Principal data processing Officer/SecretaryWASC 1984; NABTEB A' Level 1996; Basic Computer Data Processing Certificate, 2008; B.Sc, 2005
2Mrs.NkweguLewechi V.Higher Executive OfficerWAEC, 1995; GCE, 2004; BSc. 2012
3Ms.AgbomUkamakaClerical Officer/Computer OperatorNECO, 2006; Diploma in Desktop Publishing, 2008; NECO, 2014
4MrsIgwe, OnyebuchiForeman, SSCE, 2015
5Mr.Chukwu William O.Assistant Hostel Supervisor TC II, 2002; BSED, 2009
6Mr. AnyigorSimonAbaliSnr. Messenger/Cleaner FSLC, 1977
